Achieve More With Less

We live in a world where we need to do more, be more, and have more. But what if the key to productivity wasn’t about adding to your to-do list, but actually subtracting from it?

This week, we’re taking inspiration from Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s Antifragile. We will explore the concept of Via Negativa - the power of improving by removing.

The Less is More

Real strength and resilience often come from eliminating the unnecessary.

Here are 3 simple ways to apply Via Negativa to your productivity:

  1. Remove Time-Wasters: Start by identifying and cutting out the activities that drain your time and energy without adding value. Endless meetings? Unnecessary apps? Get rid of them. The less cluttered your schedule, the more you’ll be able to focus on what truly matters.

  2. Cut Out Negative Habits: Just like in health, where cutting out processed foods often leads to more benefits than any supplement, eliminate bad habits like multitasking or overcommitting. Instead of trying to juggle everything, focus on doing fewer things better.

  3. Simplify Your Systems: Sometimes, our productivity systems (apps, calendars, routines, ...) become so complex they actually slow us down. Apply the via negativa approach by streamlining your systems. If something doesn’t directly help you get things done, consider removing it. A simpler system is often more adaptable.

The Hidden Power of Saying No

We often think the path to success lies in saying yes to every opportunity. But saying no can be even more powerful.

Create space for the most important work by refusing distractions, unnecessary projects, and extra commitments.

Key takeaway

This week, instead of thinking about what you can add to your life to be more productive, think about what you can remove.

Declutter your schedule, eliminate bad habits, or simplify your workflows.

Subtraction may be the secret weapon for becoming more productive, antifragile, and efficient.
