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  • Could You Survive One Day Without Tech? A New Perspective on Productivity.

Could You Survive One Day Without Tech? A New Perspective on Productivity.

I'm into tech, and like many, I thrive on innovation. But in a world ruled by endless notifications and the latest devices, my ability to concentrate began to crumble.

Every gadget in my office, and my home was a portal to distraction.

My productivity plummeted.

After a particularly distracting day where I accomplished nothing, I realized I needed a change.

I decided to start "Tech-free Saturdays."

Every Saturday, I turned off all my gadgets to focus on planning and thinking without interruptions.

This small challenge worked wonders.

My mind became clearer and my work improved significantly.

I discovered that taking regular breaks from technology not only refreshed me but also made me more productive.

So this is what I would like you to try:

  1. Pick a specific time once a week. It doesn't have to be a whole day like I did.

  2. Put it on your calendar. No jokes here. IF it isn't in your calendar it won't happen.

  3. Switch all tech gadgets off. I mean really off. Do not disturb is not enough. You can also move to another room with no tech in your reach.

  4. Sit down and focus on your goals. Think big picture. Reflect on your past actions toward those goals and plan for future actions. Just you and your brain. No tech.

If you are skeptical about this, you are my kind of human.

It also means you won't mind the experiment to prove me wrong. Go ahead and try it at least once.

Just 30 minutes should be effective enough to see the positive results.

Tech is great, but sometimes we need to step back to move forward.

We need a new perspective without distractions.