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Got Stuck? The Most Important Thing You Should Do Now

Do you ever find yourself caught in a cycle of overthinking? You know what you need to do, but you just can’t seem to get started. You know who you want to become, but procrastination keeps you from taking action.

Got Stuck? The Most Important Thing You Should Do Now

Let me share a story from my 20s.

Back then, I watched my friends spend all their money on parties, while I knew I needed to save for retirement.

But instead of saving, I was stuck in analysis paralysis.

Should I invest in companies, ETF indexes, or a savings account? Years went by, and I had saved nothing—just like my partying friends.

The fateful meeting

Then, I met a family member who was three years away from retirement with no savings. He had lived in the moment his entire life.

And now the moment of retirement loomed over him like an impending car crash.

Watching him was like seeing a car speeding towards disaster.

Yet the driver remained in denial.

It scared me!

I set up an account and automated my savings on the spot from my phone.

My advice? Look into your future by finding your polar opposite.

Find someone older than you who embodies everything you don’t want to become. Have a conversation with them and examine their life.

There’s nothing like seeing who you could become if you continue to procrastinate. Not to belittle them, but to set your own life straight.

What now?

This week, take action. Identify the person who represents your opposite and meet with them.

Let their story motivate you to make the changes you need to become the person you truly want to be.

Don’t wait — your future self will thank you.