Is Your Work Killing You?

For years, I was the living example of Hustle Culture. Always on the go, always pushing harder.

One day in the middle of balancing university, a business, and a new side project, my body screamed "Enough!"

I ended up in the hospital, where I thought I was having a heart attack.

Thankfully, it was just a wake-up call. A panic attack caused by burnout.

A reminder that even the most driven among us have limits.

Burnout is a very real struggle for many of us. But there is hope.

By understanding work cycles and using rest strategically, we can break free from its exhausting grip.

But before we get to solutions, we need to understand our enemy.

The Burnout Trap

Don't underestimate the toll burnout takes. It's not just a feeling. chronic stress from overwork harms both our bodies and minds.

Studies show links between burnout and increased risk of heart problems, weakened immunity, and even depression.

Luckily, these effects don't have to be permanent.

By learning when to stop, we can begin to reverse the damage - reclaiming our well-being with rest and recovery.

Rest is not indulgence, it’s essential.

Tricia Hersey

Changing our work habits isn't easy. We're bombarded with messages telling us to push harder.

It feels counterintuitive to slow down when there's always another task waiting.

But prioritizing rest isn't about laziness.

It's about working smarter in the long run. Protecting the most valuable resource we have – ourselves.

The Cycles of Work

Think of your work in terms of phases:

  • Building phase

  • Sustain phase

Building phases are those intense bursts of energy. It's when you're launching a project, scaling a business, or pushing to hit a major deadline. These demand extra effort.

But, we can't live in a constant build mode.

Sustain phases are about maintaining what you've built. Working at a pace that allows you to breathe, recharge, and get ready for the next big leap forward.

It can be easy to fall into a building when you should be sustaining. Just one more task and suddenly it's 9 p.m. and you feel exhausted.

Beyond The Grind

Setting firm boundaries with work is essential to make the sustain phase truly sustainable.

To achieve this:

  • Take regular breaks

  • Create a dedicated workspace

  • Design a routine: Schedule your work hours

  • Set a very loud alarm for the end of your workday

  • Turn off your work notifications outside the work hours

Remember, boundaries aren't about being rigid. They're about creating the space you need to thrive in the long run.

This week, take a moment to honestly assess your own work cycles.

Are you caught in an endless build mode, even when there's nothing urgent to build?

What's one small change you can make to respect your body's natural need for rest?

Maybe it's a 15-minute walk after lunch, or setting a strict "no email after 6 pm" rule.

Start small, be consistent, and watch how a little shift can have a big impact on your energy and well-being.

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