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  • The TikTok Trap: A Personal Experiment on Digital Addiction

The TikTok Trap: A Personal Experiment on Digital Addiction

This week, I want to share a personal story about TikTok and its impact on productivity.

As concerns about digital addiction rise, I decided to test how consuming TikTok could influence my life.

The Experiment

I planned to scroll TikTok for 2 hours straight. My goal was to understand its impact on my focus and time management. I set up a controlled environment (Comfy sofa), limited distractions (Except TikTok), and tracked my feelings during the session.

What Happened

Instead of stopping at 2 hours, I ended up scrolling for 5 hours. The app’s engaging content and high engagement levels pulled me in. I lost track of time and felt a strong urge to keep scrolling.

During and after the experiment, I realized the power of TikTok’s AI algorithm. A Real-time adaptation to my preferences. A continuous stream of content. This made me feel like I lost control over my time and attention.

And I did.

I believe you know exactly what I am talking about.

AI-driven algorithm adapts to what you like. It uses instant gratification and a variable rewards system to keep you hooked. This is why it’s so addictive.

At the end of the experiment, I felt like I was hallucinating. I even forgot to drink water - a basic human need...

The Broader Implications

According to the latest research, digital addiction to apps like TikTok is similar to addiction to drugs. Both can lead to loss of control and negative impacts on personal and professional life.

Even shorter use affects productivity, focus, and mental health in a negative way.


Don't fall into the TikTok trap. Like with any other addicting substance, the easiest thing to do is to not start in the first place.

And if it's too late, start treating it like addiction, not a fun useless hobby that makes you feel good.

This experiment taught me that no one is immune to TikTok’s powerful algorithm. It’s essential to take proactive steps to safeguard productivity and mental health.

We don't need to be productive every minute of our lives. Yet I would rather do something that doesn't destroy my focus and mental health in my free time.

So what now?

Just uninstall the app... Now!