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Why Reinventing the Wheel Ruins Your Productivity

My first project was a total nightmare. It was supposed to be my big chance to prove myself as a junior project manager, but things were falling apart faster than a sandcastle in a rainstorm.

The programmers were super smart, but getting them to finish stuff on time? Forget it. Deadlines meant nothing to them.

I tried being nice, I tried being tough – I even bought donuts to try and bribe them! Nothing worked.

My boss was not happy with me, and honestly, I wasn't happy with myself. I was stressed out, working late, and starting to think I wasn't cut out for this.

The Miracle

One day, when I was feeling low, I started scrolling through YouTube. After about 10 videos one caught my attention.

"How to manage multiple developers working on the same project"

It sounded cheesy, but I was desperate, so I watched it.

Turns out, this random guy with a super positive attitude had cracked the code. His advice was so simple I almost laughed.

He talked about breaking tasks into tiny pieces, being super clear about what needed to be done, and providing vision to your team.

At first, the devs didn't take me seriously. But we gave it a shot, and wouldn't you know it – it started to work!

Deadlines became achievable, and the team actually seemed to enjoy getting things done on time. My boss finally started to frown less.

Wisdom Beyond Own Experience

That goofy YouTube video was worth more than a whole month of struggling on my own.

It taught me that sometimes, instead of trying to figure everything out yourself, it's way smarter to learn from people who've already been there, done that.

The project ended up being a success, and it kickstarted my career.

Most importantly, I learned a lesson I've never forgotten:

Your own experience is important, but so is listening to the wisdom of others.

Especially those who are already doing what you want to achieve. And to start using your problem-solving skills on top of that wisdom.

“If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”

Sir Isaac Newton

Next time you feel like you are stuck or you get excited about figuring something out from scratch stop and think.

Isn't there someone who has already solved this?

Like my dear friend likes to say:

"If there isn't a Reddit post about your specific problem with a guy providing a step-by-step solution with 2 alternatives you are either a genius or no one else on this planet has this problem. And I ain't no genius."

Friend of mine

Remember: To be productive save your mental capacity for what really matters, instead of trying to reinvent the wheel.