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  • Work Smarter, Not Harder: The Counterintuitive Power of Taking a Step Back

Work Smarter, Not Harder: The Counterintuitive Power of Taking a Step Back

A year ago, we landed a dream client – a big name with big money. The problem? They were an absolute nightmare. Endless revisions, loose scope, midnight demands...

My team was burning out trying to please them. It felt like 90% of the company resources were getting sucked into this black hole.

The first reaction was to set up a better system. To leverage our resources more efficiently to make them happy.

No matter what we did, the client had more demands.

Finally, we had a moment of clarity. The money wasn't worth the damage to our team and our reputation with other clients.

We made the terrifying decision.

To fire our biggest client.

Do you know what happened next?


Suddenly, everyone could breathe again. Morale rebounded and creative work flourished

We attracted BETTER clients who appreciated what we brought to the table.

Stepping back from that toxic relationship was the hardest, and the absolute best, business decision we've ever made.

The Productivity Paradox

Sometimes the most obvious thing to do is to make things more efficient. Come up with a better system.

But to be truly productive you need to be willing to take a step back to move forward in the long run.

To scratch the thing you have been doing for so long and do something else.

But it's easier said than done.

Why We Fear Going Backwards

We live in a culture that glorifies relentless forward motion. We're told that success means pushing harder, doing more, and never stopping.

This pressure leads us to see any backward step as a weakness or failure. But that couldn't be further from the truth.

The Hidden Costs of Pushing Forward

Missed Opportunities: When we stubbornly force a direction that isn't working, we blind ourselves to better opportunities that may require a shift.

The Toll on Well-being: Grinding forward at all costs can lead to burnout, bad decisions, and damaged relationships – the opposite of long-term success.

The Boldness of a Strategic Retreat

Taking a step back isn't giving up; it's giving yourself space to analyze and adjust. Success is rarely about sprinting straight to the finish.

The next time you're faced with a situation that feels stuck, dare to consider a counterintuitive move.

Ask yourself: "What's the bold move backward that might propel me forward?"

Assignment for this week

Start small. Re-evaluate one recurring commitment in your life or business that feels overwhelming.

See if letting it go creates the space you need for something more important.

Take a step back to move forward.